Glossary on Islam


Islam is a way of life. Neither is it a collection of utopian ideas nor a heap of obsolete dogmas. It is the user guide issued by the Producer for His wonderful product ‘homo sapiens’ in order to get the best of usage. If applied, users get pleasant experience of a successful life here and hereafter.
He chooses  special executives with extra-ordinary qualities to present His guidance to people. They are called Messengers. Obviously, the first human being was the first messenger also; thus each and every civil society has its own messenger.
Finally the Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) has been sent for the Whole World. Since the global community has reduced to a single entity and the communications among people has become so easy the world doesn’t need any more messengers. Moreover, the guidance of the final prophet is still effective and pragmatic so that it successfully survives the challenge of time.
Enough precautions have been taken to keep the Message clear to all members of the society from the Prophet’s generation to the last.
Satan was created capable of seducing the incompetent, to test peoples’ loyalty and adherence to the divine guidance. The Almighty has maintained in every generation a group of people who will prevail over all attempts of seduction and pass the message to the next generation.
This Group is called Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaath.
Therefore, it is necessary for all human being to ensure that he finds himself together with the right people to get the eternal success here and hereafter. We read in the Holy Quran Chapter I verse 6-7:

اهدِنَــــا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ  صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ
Keep us on the right path-The path of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed favors, Not [the path] of those upon whom Thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray- Ameen


  1. Islam
  2. Iman
  3. Ihsan


  1. Allah
  2. Muhammed Nabi Musthafa Sallallahu alaihi wasallam
  3. Quran
  4. Ramadan
  5. Makkah
  6. Madinah
  7. Ka’ba
  8. Hajarul Aswad
  9. Baithul Muqadhas
  10. Esa Nabi Alaihissalam(*Jessus  Christ)
  11. Moosa Nabi Alaihissalam( Moses)
  12. Life
  13. Death
  14. Wahhabism
  15. Moudoodism
  16. Hisbe Iqwan
  17. Qadianism
  18. Shiism
  19. Bahaism
  20. Qawarij
  21. Mu’ethaziliyya
  1. Thouheed and shirk
  2. Al ibadah(Worship)
  3. The visiting of Qabr(The tomb of Prophets and Auliyah )
  4. Thabarruk with Holy Relics of Pious people
  5. Thawassul
  6. Al-wahhabiyyah
  7. Iqwanism(Hisbul Iqwan)



Truth Seeker
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